
DoubleTime® 8.5 - Upgrade

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13.03 How do I delete a form from Forms Inventory?

13.03 How do I delete a form from Forms Inventory?

  • From the Modules menu, select Serialized Forms, then select Delete Forms Inventory.
  • Select the Form Type.
  • For Fund Forms, the prefix is automatically defaulted in the Prefix field, i.e., CF = Commitment, OPM = Owners Policy, MP = Mortgagee Policy. If you are using another underwriter's forms, you can enter their Prefix.
  • Enter the Start No. and End No. for the range of numbers to be deleted.
  • Click the Delete icon, and a Warning message is displayed.
  • If Yes is chosen, a Final Warning message is displayed.
  • If Yes is chosen, a status window is displayed showing the Total Forms Selected #, Total Forms Deleted #, Total Forms Used - Not deleted #, and Total Forms Not in Inventory #.
  • Click OK to close the window.