
DoubleTime® 8.5 - Upgrade

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Windows 10 Compatible

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15.01 Why should I backup DoubleTime?

  • Backing up your DoubleTime database is important for two reasons: Data loss and Performance.
  • Like any file on your computer, your DoubleTime database is vulnerable to system crashes and hardware failures. Hard drive crashes, lightning strikes, and power surges can all damage or corrupt your valuable data. Regularly backing up (to a tape drive or other device) your DoubleTime database is your best protection.
  • In addition to making a safe copy of your data, the DoubleTime database backup procedure will automatically perform some routine maintenance tasks to help improve performance. Like changing the oil in your car's engine, regular database backups will help keep your DoubleTime database performing at its best.
  • Special note for Networks: Because network (NT, Novell, and Peer-to-Peer) database engines are always running, the database files themselves are seen by the network server as being always "open" or in use. Typical backup utilities such as Microsoft Backup, ArcServe, or BackupExec will not backup files that are in use.
  • It is still necessary to use the Database Backup Utility within DoubleTime even if your system uses other backup software. The DoubleTime Database Backup Utility will create a copy of your DoubleTime database that your network backup software can successfully access.
  • To backup, create a folder in Windows Explorer. Do not use DBLTIME as the folder name. We suggest using DBBACKUP.
  • When the folder has been created, open DoubleTime.
  • From the Utilities menu, select Database Backup.
  • A Select Path window will open. Specify the Drive and Path for the backup folder and click OK.

15.02 How do I copy a Closing File?

  • The Closing File Copy utility allows you to copy all or part of an existing file to a new closing file. This is very helpful when you are preparing a closing in the same subdivision or condominium. By creating a master closing file, you can include information such as buyers, sellers, conveyance clauses, title insurance commitment and policies, documents, properties, HUD-1 fees, and other typically required information. You would then use the master closing file to copy information to new closing files.
  • From the Utilities menu, select Closing File Copy.
  • Enter the Closing File Number for the file to be copied and click Browse, or just click the Browse button to find the default file.
  • When the correct file is selected, click OK.
  • Enter the New File number.
  • If you want to copy the entire file, click the Select All tabs icon. This selects all items on all tabs.
  • If you want to copy only the current tab, click the Select Current Tab icon. You can copy as many tabs as you want. You can also deselect specific item(s) on a tab.
  • Click the Copy File icon or exit the module and save changes.
  • This starts the copy of the selected information into the new file. When the copy is complete, you will be asked if you want to switch to the new file.
  • Select Yes to switch to the new file.

15.03 How do I delete a Closing File?

  • Note: When a Closing File is deleted, all contacts associated with that file are also deleted, unless they are used in other Closing Files.
  • From the Utilities menu, select Closing File Delete.
  • Enter the Closing File Number to be deleted and click Browse.
  • Select the file to be deleted. When the file is selected, details about the file, such as Opened Date, Closing Date, Property Name, and Lender Name, are displayed in lower portion of the window. Then click OK.
  • A Warning window is displayed. Click the Yes button to proceed.
  • When completed, the Closing File Delete Status window is displayed with the total number of files deleted.
  • Click OK to close the window.
  • If the active Closing File is deleted, the Switch Active Closing File window is displayed.

15.04 How do I delete multiple Closing Files?

  • Note: When a Closing File is deleted, all contacts associated with that file are also deleted, unless they are used in other Closing Files.
  • From the Utilities menu, select Closing File Delete.
  • To view a list of all files, delete the Closing File Number and click Browse.
  • To view a list of all Cancelled or Closed files, delete the Closing file Number and select the appropriate status from the Status list. Then click Browse.
  • You can also specify a date range and/or Property, Buyer, or Seller Names.
  • To select multiple consecutive files to be deleted, select the first file and hold down the Shift Key, then select the last file and click OK.
  • To select nonconsecutive files, select the first file while holding down the Ctrl key and continue holding the Ctrl key until all the files are selected. Then click OK.
  • A Warning window is displayed. Click the Yes button to proceed.
  • When completed, the Closing File Delete Status window is displayed with the total number of files deleted.
  • Click OK to close the window.
  • If the active Closing File is deleted, the Switch Active Closing File window is displayed.